BUZAN, T. - der "Erfinder des Begriffs" definiert kurz: "'putting your mind on paper (or computer)".
Heiko HALLER im Buch Mappingverfahren zur Wissensorganisation (2002) auf Seite 37:
"Mind-Mapping: hierarchisch, spinnenartig, zentrales Thema in der Mitte, Knoten sind beschriftete Zweige."
"What is Mind Mapping?
Mind Mapping was created by Tony Buzan, and is a technique for 'putting your mind on paper'. Mind Mapping is much more efficient than normal note taking in plain language. Following are some of the benefits:
- It is faster to write, since it only uses keywords and the relations between them
- It is faster to read, (again, because it doesn't uses whole sentences).
- It is easier to get an overview, enabling new ideas and new conclusions.
- It is easier to maintain and evolve, since it will leave more empty space where additional thoughts can be stored.
A Mind Map consists of a map title (title branch), which holds the subject of the map. When the title is on paper, you expand the map by filling in the thoughts (child branches) you may have about the subject. Each thought may again have its own thoughts, describing that thought in more detail. This way, a mind map grows bigger and bigger.
In short terms, Mind Mapping is useful wherever you need to remember your thoughts. The list of uses is therefore almost endless. But just to get you going - here are a few:
- Brainstorming
- Presentations
- Decision-making
- Note-taking
- Planning
- Summaries
- Address books
- Etc... "
Sie finden auch unter (http://www.matchware.com/ge/products/openmind/Mind_Mapping_info.htm) eine brauchbare Beschreibung.